One of the rare conditions that adenium plant could have is having "golden" root or caudex, just like what you see on this image. This picture was taken a few days ago at my nursery in Johor and I did not notice it until recently. In fact, this condition has been with these plants for many years until it caught my eye. The plant No. 2 has Golden Caudex, a rare occurrence for a plant with golden color on its body and you will notice that this particular "gold-colored" body has a shape of an elephant. Notice the tusk (a small root) that grows out from the elephant's mouth. Accordingly to my Adenium expert friend - Anucha, the Indonesian collectors in particular love this particular type of plant and this can cost as much as 10 times the original price of the large adenium. For the Hindu, the image of elephant is sacred. Its even priceless when the image of the elephant is iold in color~! Both plant is not for sale. Sorry folks!